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Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju
1. april 2016

Kaj je bilo predlagano s strani drzav in kaj zdaj predlaga Evropska Komisija:

C) natancnejsa opredelitev, katerga polavtomatska orozja se premaknejo v A7 kat. in prepovedo

Nekatera B7 se dovolijo posedovati se naprej, vendar je to zadnji lastnik (brez prenosa lastnistva naprej - torej, ko cez 5 let (recimo) izgubite licenco, gre v razrez)

Nekatera polatvomatska orozja "se zlaha predelajo v fullauto" - taka bodo prepovedana.

(7b) Ce je orozje bilo kategorizirano kot B7 in je po novem A (A7 ?), lahko drzava podaljsa licenco, vendar le za licence, ki so ze bile izdane pred veljavnostjo direktive.

Pregled nad hrambo orozja in municije bo poostren glede na kategorijo ozorja.

Doda se tocka
A6. Avtomatska orozja, ki so bila predelana v polavtomatska

(Primite se za žep in za srce: )
Doda se tocka
A7 Polavtomatska orozja z ENO ali VEC od naslednjih karakteristik:
a) sposobna imeti magazin z vec kot 6 naboji brez menjave magazina
b) pistol grip (puska)
c) manj kot 830 mm celotne dolzine
d) cev krajsa od 450 mm

Svedska predlaga se bolj obsirno razlago: polavtomatsko dolgo orozje z vec kot 5 naboji, ki je namenjeno bolj za vojno kot za lov

Kategorija B4 se spremeni
B4: Polavtomatska orozja, ki lahko drzijo nabojnik od 4 do 6 nabojev

B7: Polavtomatska orozja za civilno uporabo, ki niso vsteta v kategorijo A7


Skoraj vse PAP padejo v A7 (ali A6), lahko jih drzava pogojno dovoli, vendar boste zadnji lastnik. Po tem gre vse v unicenje.
V B4 in B7 ostane bore malo.

Malo poglejte original dokument (drobni tisk), kolikokrat sta se oglasila nasa ministrica in minister s predlogi, nasprotovanjem ali mnenji.
Jaz sem nastel 1x (ENKRAT) in se to samo pri definiciji, kaj so kljucne komponente orozja.

PORAZNO pa taka vlada!
Hvala vsem, ki ste/so jih volili.

Prohibition of semi-automatic firearms, where a majority of Member States appeared to be in favour of the option that acquiring and possessing firearms should continued to be authorised but under stricter conditions still to be defined, but many Member States argued for technical specifications to describe the most dangerous semi-automatic firearms and other Member States pleaded for combing both. The Presidency therefore has drafted a proposal consisting of the following elements:
clear technical specifications allowing to define a group of semi-automatic firearms, which would be moved to category A and hence be prohibited (Annex I, Cat A.7);
– continuing to allow the authorisation of all other semi-automatic firearms in category B, but subjecting their use to certain conditions set out in Article 7(2) and in Article 10aa; and
– providing in Article 7(4a) for a transition regime in which owners of currently authorised B.7 firearms can continue to own and use them and have their use authorisation prolonged, but it would be impossible to transfer ownership of those weapons (regardless of the mode of transfer of ownership: sale, gift, inheritance).

(7a) Additionally, for the most dangerous firearms stricter rules should be introduced in order to ensure that those firearms are, with some limited exceptions to the rule, not allowed to be owned or traded. (…) Where those rules are not respected, Member States should take appropriate measures including the destruction of those firearms.

(9) Some semi-automatic firearms can be easily converted to automatic firearms, thus posing a threat to security. Even in the absence of conversion to category "A", certain semi-automatic firearms may be very dangerous when their capacity regarding the number of rounds is high. Such semi-automatic weapons should therefore be banned for civilian use.

(7) In Article 7, the following paragraph is added after paragrgaph 2:
"2a. An authorisation to acquire or possess a firearmlisted in category 7 under B set out in Annex I of the Directive shall be granted only for the purposes of hunting or sport shooting."

(7b) In Article 7, the following paragraph is added after paragraph 4:
"4a. Member States may renew an authorisation for a firearm which were classified in category 7 under B set out in Annex I of the Directive, as amended by Directive 2008/51/EC74, even if the firearm is currently classified in category A. However, such authorisations may be renewed only for persons already holding an authorisation beefore [the date referred to in Article 3 of this Directive]."

Member States shall establish rules on the proper storage of firearms and ammunition to ensure that they are kept under supervision and stored in a secure way to minimise the risk of being accessed by an unauthorised person and whereby the rules stipulate that firearms and ammunition are stored apart. Supervision in this case shall mean that the person possessing the firearm or the ammunition has (…) 79 control over them and shall include as a minimum the storage in a (…) 80 safe box when the firearm or ammunition is not in use. The level of scrutiny for the storage arrangements shall correspond to the level category of the

(14) (a) part II is replaced by the following:
"For the purposes of this Directive, the following categories of firearms are set
(ii) in Category A, the following points are added:
"6. Automatic firearms which have been converted into semi-automatic firearms97;

7.98 Semi-automatic firearms with one or more of the following characteristics:
a) equipped or capable to be equipped with a firing capacity exceeding six rounds without reloading;
b) long firearm with pistol grip;
c) [long fire]arm of less than 830 mm in length;
d) [long fire]arm with a barrel length of less than 450 mm.

98: Suggest to delete A7 and re-instate B7: BG, EE, FR, IT, LT, MT, SK, FI, CH.
SE: ”Semi-automatic long firearms for civilian use which have or can be equipped with magasines with a
capacity exceeding 5 rounds, or firearms which are constructed in a way that they are more appropriate for combat than for hunting.”

(iii) in category B (…)
B4. Semi-automatic long firearms whose magazine and chamber can together hold more than three but less than seven rounds.
7. Semi-automatic weapons for civilian use other than those listed under point 7 of category A.

Prispevkov v tej temi
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od spe7 - 26-11-2015, 12:50
RE: Zaostritev EU zakonodaje o orožju - od Klemenc - 14-04-2016, 10:37

Uporabnikov, ki berejo to temo: 2 Gost(ov)