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3. Tradicionalno tekmovanje padalskih ter gorskih enot
3. Tradicionalno tekmovanje padalskih ter gorskih enot
Saalfelden 8-11/09/2005:

Administration and schedule

Venue: JA¤gerschule, A -5760 Saalfelden, Austria
Cost: 80.- €
Coverage: Housing and food from 2005/09/08 evening till 2005/09/11 morning
Register by2005/08/08 with: Offiziersstellvertreter ZAGAR Martin, Lehrabteilung 1, JA¤gerschule, Wallner-Kaserne, Ramseiderstrasse,
A-5760 Saalfelden, Austria;
Tel.: 0043-6582-74587 ext. 302; Fax: 0043-6582-74587 ext.171
E-mail: [url="http://www.european-paratrooper.de"]http://www.european-paratrooper.de[/url]

The Chairman of EMPA Austria: The Cdr of the Austrian Infantry School:

HUBER,Ostv e.h. PUNTIGAM, General e.h.
(HUBER, Ostv) (PUNTIGAM, General)
Annex A
The competition consists of the following stations:
-Live firing: StG 77 (Steyr AUG), P 80 (Glock 17)
-Negotiating various obstacles
-Marksmanship accuracy and handling with a training simulation system
-Military basic skills, e.g.: range estimation, teamwork, observation
-Overall military knowledge

Altogether 10 stations are to be completed, at which the stations are graded with points.

The marching distance is about 40 km in light alpine terrain.

Equipment: BDU (bring your own) without weapon, the weapon, StG 77 (AUG) will be provided by the Austrian Army.

The team consists of 4 persons. You can report a complete team or build it in Saalfelden. Personnel without a team will be formed into teams.

The marching speed, teamwork and knowledge will be counted together.

1. Austrian Battle Achievement Badge


a) Finish all 10 stations successfully
b) Achieve the minimum level of points in the different grades

2. European Military Parachute Mountain Achievement Badge

Awarded for successful participation in both the Competition and the Mountain March.

3. Austrian Mountain Rangers†Cap Edelweiss

Awarded for successful participation in the Mountain March.

Annex B

Travel Information:

Travel by car:
Destination: Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, A-5760, Austria, see route planner

Travel by train:
Station: Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, A-5760, Austria
Taxi to: the Wallner-Kaserne military facility

Travel by air:
Airport: Salzburg, Austria
Bus/taxi to: Salzburg station
Train to: Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, A-5760, Austria
Taxi to: Wallner-Kaserne military facility


Pick-up service from train-station or airport can only be provided if agreed in advance by authorized staff.
madona, A!koda da nisi tega malo prej pokazal... [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif[/img]
če kdo najde A!e kaj podobnega, bi bilo super... btw: iA!čem tudi kake kandidate za podobna tekmovanja. ponavadi je treba priti kot team (2-4 osebe), pa do zdaj nisem A!e nikogar dovolj zagretega naA!el... torej, če koga to interesira, naj se javi! [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]
"tom762" Napisal:btw: iA!čem tudi kake kandidate za podobna tekmovanja. ponavadi je treba priti kot team (2-4 osebe), pa do zdaj nisem A!e nikogar dovolj zagretega naA!el...
V tem primeru to ni bilo potrebno: "The team consists of 4 persons. You can report a complete team or build it in Saalfelden. Personnel without a team will be formed into teams." kar zna bit zanimivo... se posebej ce bi slo za mesan team vecih nacij [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif[/img]
ja, vem da ni blo potrebno... ampak A3al sem za zadevo izvedel prepozno. vsaj kakih 14 dni prej bi bilo super... poleg tega pa tud nisem padalec niti "gams", [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif[/img] čeprav to se da baje malo zmenit
pa drugič...
ampak vseeno me zanima če je kak interesent za take A!tose? [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]

Uporabnikov, ki berejo to temo: 1 Gost(ov)