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... 10.9.2011 IDPA Slovensko DP / Slovenian nationals
"admin" Napisal:Posredujem obvestilo... [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]

10.9.2011 bo na Strelišču Čebulovec organizirano IDPA državno prvenstvo. Tekmovanje je uradno sankcionirano s strani IDPA zveze.
Uradno vabilo sledi.

On 10.9.2011 Slovenian IDPA Nationals competition will be held at Čebulovec shooting range. This is official IDPA sanctioned match.
Please stand by for further information.
"sajn.frane@gmail.com" Napisal:
"admin" Napisal:Posredujem obvestilo... [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]

10.9.2011 bo na Strelišču Čebulovec organizirano IDPA državno prvenstvo. Tekmovanje je uradno sankcionirano s strani IDPA zveze.
Uradno vabilo sledi.

On 10.9.2011 Slovenian IDPA Nationals competition will be held at Čebulovec shooting range. This is official IDPA sanctioned match.
Please stand by for further information.

Dragi Frane. Sankcionirano pomeni, da če boš o IDPAju po forumih spraševal neumnosti, boš sankcioniran... [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif[/img]

Spodaj ti pa prilagam del iz trenutno aktualnega "IDPA rulebook-a", kjer najdeš odgovor na tvoje vprašanje: [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]

Citat:F. Sanctioned Matches.
Clubs may choose to hold state or regional matches that are sanctioned by IDPA HQ. Multiple sanctioned matches may be held within a state; however, only one state match is permitted per year, per state. IDPA headquarters will help you promote sanctioned matches by posting the information on the IDPA website and listing major matches in the Tactical Journal after receiving the sanction form and agreement. If the requirements for the club are not met, the sanction will be revoked. Competition in sanctioned matches allows competitors to be eligible to participate in the National Championship. Sanctioned matches typically draw competitors from a larger geographical area than local club matches, thus giving the club more income.
Clubs wishing to host a sanctioned match such as a state or regional championship should contact headquarters for a match sanction form and agreement or find one online under Match Sanction Information. All shooters must be classified in the division in which they compete in sanctioned matches. MDs may approve novice class shooters to participate in the sanctioned match. This is not mandatory. At the IDPA National Championship, only those shooters classified as Marksman or higher are eligible to attend.

Requirements for a Sanctioned Match.
1. Complete a match sanction form and agreement.
2. Agree to run the match strictly by the IDPA Rule Book.
3. Accommodate a MINIMUM of seventy-five (75) competitors.
4. Shooters will only be allowed to shoot in one (1) division and the shooter must be classified in that division.
5. The match will contain a minimum of eight (8) stages of fire.
6. The match will have a minimum total round count of one hundred (100) rounds.
7. Awards will be presented to contestants as laid out in the rulebook.
8. All IDPA divisions and classifications will be recognized.
9. Official IDPA score sheets printed on NCR paper in duplicate will be used in the match.
10. All CoF will be sent to the AC along with the sanction form and sanction fee. The CoF must be approved and sanction form with sanction fee sent to HQ by AC at least sixty (60) days before match date.
11. MD must have taken a SO course from an IDPA safety officer instructor.
12. SOs working the match must have previously worked club matches and seen the video “How to run a match”. Subcategories such as High Law Enforcement, High Lady, High Senior (ages 50 – 64), High Distinguished Senior (ages 65 and older), High Junior (ages 12 to 18), High Industry, High Press, High International, High Military (Active Military), High Military Veteran (ex-military, retired or discharged) and Most Accurate Shooter may be recognized at sanctioned matches, but are not required. Clubs are encouraged to come up with other relevant subcategories.
Marijan, Frane je čisto lepo vprašal, kaj to pomeni "tekmovanje sankcionirano s strani mednarodne IDPA zveze" in vprašanje ni neumno, saj vsak ne ve vsega.

Frane, ta izraz je le malce nerodno pomensko preveden v slovenščino. Gre za to, da če hoče organizator, da se tekmovanje uradno šteje za IDPA tekmo in da bodo rezultati tudi mednarodno priznani v okviru IDPA zveze, potem se mora v celoti podrediti pravilom in zahtevam IDPA zveze, ki ima v tem primeru tudi pristojnosti nadzora in korekcije izvedbe take tekme in lahko v ta namen tudi pošlje svojega strokovnega delegata, ki ima določene pristojnosti in pooblastila.

To bi bila kratka razlaga, kot jo jaz razumem glede tega. Vse podrobnosti in zahteve IPDA zveze za tako tekmo pa so naštete v angleškem tekstu, ki ga je citiral Marijan.
Better be judged by twelve than carried by six
Gun Control is the comforting lies that people tell themselves in order to deal with media induced hoplophobia.
"Robert91922" Napisal:Marijan, Frane je čisto lepo vprašal, kaj to pomeni "tekmovanje sankcionirano s strani mednarodne IDPA zveze" in vprašanje ni neumno, saj vsak ne ve vsega...

Kaj mu nisem čisto lepo prilepil odgovora? Sicer pa tudi jaz ne znam vsega, zato pa znam Googlat in brat, ter govorim tri tuje jezike (bivša juga ne šteje v ta sklop) - ampak takšen sem pač jaz...

Prvi del moje navedbe se pa nanaša na Adminovo obvestilo/opozorilo o komentarjih pod razpise tekem (potem pa je Admin sam prestavil posta od Franeta in mojega)... [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif[/img]

Mogoče tudi tebi ta del ni bil znan, ali pa je Admin prej prestavil post v debate o tekmah, pa nisi videl, da je Frane vprašanje postavil pod razpis tekme [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_question.gif[/img] [img]{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_idea.gif[/img]

Uporabnikov, ki berejo to temo: 1 Gost(ov)